题 目: Evolvability of gene regulatory elements and networks in Drosophila
时 间: 3月25日(周一)13:00-14:00
主持人: 林杰 研究员
摘 要:
Gene regulation plays a critical role in development and evolution. Transcription factors and their target genes establish complex networks that define the spatial and temporal pattern of gene expression. However, how regulatory information is encoded in these networks and how the networks can change over evolutionary timescale remain open questions. In this talk, I will present my postdoctoral work at European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg, Germany, addressing these questions from different levels. Through mutational scans, we compared the evolvability of promoters and enhancers in defining the level and pattern of gene expression in Drosophila embryos. Combining chemical mutagenesis and experimental evolution, we examined flies’ short-term evolutionary response to extra copies of bicoid, a key morphogen in embryogenesis. Using a phenomics approach, we find that the compensation for extra copies of bicoid through rapid increases in embryo size driven by maternal changes in metabolism and ovariole development, necessitating a broader view of regulatory network evolution at the systems level. Finally, I present our latest effort in targeted mutagenesis of transcription factor networks, providing a powerful reagent for experimental evolution and genetic screens focused on the regulatory genome.
李雪莹博士长期致力于采用高通量遗传学实验与计算相结合的研究手段为处在争议中的演化生物学理论模型提供经验性证据,探究生物多样性演化的遗传基础,尤其是基因调控对演化的贡献。目前,已在Science Advances,Genome Biology and Evolution,G3,Philosophical Transactions B等国际期刊上发表第一作者论文4篇,并曾获国际分子生物学与演化会议(SMBE)中最佳研究生海报奖。